Undergraduate Programs (BABA & BATS)
1. BA in Business Administration (BABA)
The aim of the Department of Business Administration is to provide a quality-education program to students to prepare them to compete intellectually and professionally in the global workplace that is changing rapidly and technologically.
The Department seeks to maintain an open atmosphere to foster superior instruction, professional development, research, and community involvement by the faculty; and foster collegiate inquiry, academic advancement, self-enhancement, and a commitment to public involvement among students based on their interest, integrity, and responsibility.
Certain required courses within the business degree program form the theoretical and practical framework needed to succeed in increasingly responsible leadership roles within their professional and personal organizations.
Reformed University offers a 120 hour 4-year undergraduate degree designed to prepare students for careers in the field of business and advanced academic studies.
Program Objectives (Learning Outcomes)
The Bachelor of Arts in Business Administration encourages students to achieve the following educational objectives:
- Understand the functional components of business: economics, marketing, accounting, finance, law, information technology, and management.
- Demonstrate evidence of strong business analysis and management skills.
- Apply critical thinking and reasoning skills to identify business opportunities/problems, develop alternative solutions, and formulate plans.
- Demonstrate knowledge of business administration concepts and quantitative controls in dynamic economic, political, cultural, and religious environments.
- Operate effectively in dynamic political, cultural, and religious environments.
- Prepare for leadership and service in their vocations.
- Demonstrate effective written and oral presentation skills needed in their vocations.
Admission Requirements
- Students who apply to the major are initially classified as Pre-Business.
- After completing the lower-division core requirements with a “C” (2.0) or better, students may apply to the Business Administration major.
Students must earn a “C” (2.0) or better in core course on average. For assistance in interpreting the requirements, contact the Program Director.
English Proficiency Requirement
We want our students and faculty to communicate effectively. Students whose first (primary) language is not English are required to have obtained a minimum TOEFL IBT score of 60 or higher or have passed our internal English Placement Test.
Curriculum and Course Descriptions
(All courses are 3 credits unless otherwise noted.)
GGEN101: Foundations of Learning
Orientation to key facets of college life and proven strategies of student success. Focus on the objectives of college learning, expectations of study, student responsibilities, institutional standards, and overall familiarity with the educational processes that lead to successful degree completion at Reformed University.
GGEN201: Introduction to the Bible
General introduction to the Bible, its contents, themes, people, the history it relates, the stories it tells, and life lessons it conveys. Focus on becoming familiar with the contents of the Bible and learning how to understand its message.
GGEN202: Introduction to the Gospels and Christianity
General introduction to the person of Jesus Christ through the Gospel stories. Brief excursus into the ancient world of the New Testament and events behind the emergence of Christianity.
GMAT201: College Algebra
Familiarizing learners with fundamental mathematical concepts such as inequalities, polynomials, linear and quadratic equations, and logarithmic and exponential functions.
GMAT241: Precalculus
Exploring math from symbolic, graphical, and numerical perspectives. Introduction to polynomial, rational, exponential, logarithmic, and trigonometric functions, complex numbers, linear systems, numerical patterns, sequences, and series.
GMAT251: Calculus I
ISDS101: Introduction to Business Computing
Basic concepts of computers including software, hardware and to manage the computer systems properly in the practice.
ISDS351: Management of Information Systems
Applying Concepts related to information systems such as database and data analysis and the application in the business environment.
STAT210: Applied Business Statistics
Analyzing, determining and understanding the concepts related to statistics in business and their applications to develop more effective organizations.
ACCT101: Principles of Accounting
Develop knowledge in the concepts of accounting and the knowledge of the utilization of the financial resources of the organization.
ACCT201A: Financial Reporting
To originate, analyze and present financial reports in order to understand them, and utilize the data to make assertive decisions.
ACCT201B: Managerial Accounting
Administering and managing resources and organization costs and analysis of the financial variables involved.
COMM101: Business Communication I
Basic knowledge of the writing practices in the business environment.
COMM201: Business Communication II
Advanced writing techniques to prepare and communicate properly in the business environment.
ECON201: Microeconomics
Basic study of the components of the individual economy as supply, demands, price, among others.
ECON202: Macroeconomics
MGMT301: Principles of Management
MGMT336: Business and Its Legal Environment
MGMT410: Seminar in Strategic Management: Capstone
MGMT340: Organizational Behavior and Leadership
PHIL386: Business Ethics and Social Responsibility
FINS301: Principles of Financial Management
MKTG301: Principles of Marketing
ACCT401: Advanced Accounting
ECON401: Managerial Economics
FINS380: Introduction to Investments
FINS410: Real Estate Investment
INBU420: International Business
ISDS361: Business Analytics
ISDS380: Enterprise Data Management
LAW101: Business Law I
MGMT315: Small Business Management
MGMT339: Operation Management
MGMT341: Logistic Management
MGMT345: Human Resources Management
MGMT350: Consumer Behavior
MGMT401: E-Commerce
MGMT420: International Business
MGMT425: Data Analysis for Decision Making
MGMT441: Entrepreneurship
MKTG250: Introduction to Marketing
MKTG330: E-Marketing
MKTG405: Global Markets
MKTG411: Retail Management
MKTG442: Marketing Research Methods
BABA Program Information
office: 470-567-7942
2. BA in Theological Studies (BATS)
The Bachelor of Arts in Theological Studies (BATS) degree is designed to prepare students for further theological studies and promote the cultivation of a spiritual life. The degree provides not only the basis for deeper understanding not only of theological issues, but also of a broader spectrum of general education. The degree meets the needs of servants who wish to begin or to continue graduate-level theological education for personal or vocational enrichment. It also serves as a basis for lifelong spiritual growth.
Reformed University offers a 120 hour 4-year undergraduate degree designed to prepare students for careers in the field of ministry or for advanced academic studies.
*Note that this degree program is currently offered in both the English and Korean languages.
Program Objectives (Learning Outcomes)
Graduates of the BATS program will be prepared to:
- Communicate the Scripture with clarity and conviction
- Demonstrate an understanding of modern society and its culture
- Evidence the personal and professional characteristics needed for successful ministry
- Implement and answer critical questions concerning authorship, dating, psychology, and place of composition of the Bible
- Articulate their understanding of the inspiration of the Holy Spirit in the composition of Scripture
- Have opportunities to join the ministry of the local church under the supervision of a minister
- Demonstrate the ability to understand the counseling principles and techniques required to meet individual needs
Admission Requirements
A High School diploma or its equivalent is required at the time of application, along with the following:
• An application form completed in full for the program for which you seek
• Non-refundable application fee
• Official transcripts sent directly to Reformed University
• A certified copy of his/her high school diploma or GED Certificate
• A letter of recommendation from your home church’s ordained minister, another ordained minister, a teacher, or a college professor
English Proficiency Requirement (for the English BATS Program)
We want our students and faculty to communicate effectively. Students whose first (primary) language is not English are required to have obtained a minimum TOEFL IBT score of 60 or higher or have passed our internal English Placement Test.
Curriculum and Course Descriptions
Course Categories | |
BBLS | Biblical Studies: OT, NT, Bible Studies |
BBLL | Language: Greek, Hebrew |
CCED | Christian Counseling and Education |
CCES | Christian Ethics |
CHHS | Church History |
MISS | Missions |
PSMN | Pastoral Ministry |
PRCH | Preaching |
THLG | Theology |
PRMN | Practical Ministry |
BBLS201 | Inductive Bible Study Methods | 3 Credits |
BBLS301 | Introduction to Old Testament Survey | 3 Credits |
BBLS302 | Major Themes of Old Testament | 3 Credits |
BBLS310 | Introduction to the New Testament | 3 Credits |
BBLS320 | Introduction to Systematic Theology | 3 Credits |
BBLS402 | Biblical Worldview | 3 Credits |
BBLS410 | New Testament Theology | 3 Credits |
BBLS412 | Sermon on the Mount | 3 Credits |
CCED301 | Introduction to Christian Education | 3 Credits |
CCED310 | Introduction to Counseling | 3 Credits |
CCES410 | Introduction to Christian Ethics | 3 Credits |
CHHS301 | The History of Christian Movement I | 3 Credits |
CHHS302 | The History of Christian Movement II | 3 Credits |
MISS301 | Introduction to Missions | 3 Credits |
MISS310 | Inter-Cultural Ministries | 3 Credits |
PRMN301 | Survey of Church Music | 3 Credits |
PRMN305 | Religions of the World | 3 Credits |
PRCH301 | Communication of the Bible | 3 Credits |
BBLL301 BBLL302 | Elementary Greek Elementary Hebrew | 3 Credits 3 Credits |
BBLS303 | Life of Prophets | 3 Credits |
BBLS304 BBLS305 BBLS312 | Genesis Synoptic Gospel Acts of the Apostles | 3 Credits 3 Credits 3 Credits |
BBLS410 BBLS411 BBLS412 BBLS401 | The Gospel of John Romans Revelation Spiritual Warfare | 3 Credits 3 Credits 3 Credits 3 Credits |
BBLS403 | Historical Background of the OT | 3 Credits |
BBLS404 | Psalms | 3 Credits |
BBLS405 | Wisdom Literature | 3 Credits |
BBLS411 | The Parables of Jesus | 3 Credits |
BBLS430 | Doctrine of the Holy Spirit | 3 Credits |
CCED404 | Art of Parenting | 3 Credits |
CCES420 CCES421 CCES422 CHHS401 | Introduction to Christian Ethics Introduction to Christian Social Ethics Introduction to Christian Ecology Asian-American Church –Theology and History | 3 Credits 3 Credits 3 Credits 3 Credits |
CHHS303 | The History of Korean Church | 3 Credits |
THLG431 THLG432 THLG433 THLG434 PRMN300 PRMN311 | Introduction to Modern Theology Introduction to Postmodern Theology Christology Ecclesiology Introduction to Reformed Worship Ministry to Older Adults in the Local Church | 3 Credits 3 Credits 3 Credits 3 Credits 3 Credits 3 Credits |
PRMN312 | Youth Ministry | 3 Credits |
PRMN313 | Ministry to Teaching Children in Local Church | 3 Credits |
PRMN314 | Principles of Discipleship | 3 Credits |
Requirements in Other Subjects and Grades
Worship (Chapel) Requirement
Worship is the spiritual center of seminary life, and Reformed University is dedicated to training Christian leaders whose lives reflect the conviction that both individual and corporate prayer is essential in the pursuit of God’s purposes for holy living and fruitful ministry. During each academic term, Reformed University offers noncredit courses of Worship service (INS101 through INS112) to provide the university community with opportunities for worship and spiritual enrichment. All students are required to register and attend this Worship course each semester for Pass/Fail grading. For degree requirements, every student is expected to pass all Chapel courses to be eligible for graduation.
BATS Enrollment Residency Requirement
For BATS degree-seeking students, an enrollment residence requirement (or credit hour residency requirement) indicates the number of credits you must complete through Reformed University in order to graduate. Candidates for graduation must earn the last 30 semester credit hours in-residency. In addition, at least one-half of the semester credit hours required in the student’s major area of study must be completed in-residence at Reformed University. Students may receive residence credit for Reformed University-sponsored studies abroad programs and/or any independent study programs for which course registration and fee payment are affected through the University.
It is the institutional requirement that all enrolling students must earn a passing grade from a Chapel course each semester.
Course Descriptions
(All courses are 3 credits unless otherwise noted.)
BBLS201 Inductive Bible Study Method
An introduction to the inductive Bible study method, involving the steps of observation, interpretation, and application.
BBLS301 Introduction to the Old Testament
This course is an examination of the contents of the Old Testament with attention to the major developments in the history of redemption: creation, covenant, promise and fulfillment of the promises. This course covers the periods from Adam and Eve to Israel in the Promised Land.
BBLS302 Major Themes of the Old Testament
An overview of the major themes of the Old Testament such as Covenant, the Lordship of God, the kingdom of God, Holiness of God, etc.
BBLS303 Life of Prophets
A study on the life of the prophets; their callings, chronology, function, message and fulfillment, categories of prophetic oracles, subjects of aftermath oracles, etc.
BBLS304 Genesis
This course will examine the book of Genesis in detail, focusing on its literary and historical context, as well as exploring its interpretation and use in Judaism and Christianity, its appropriation in Western culture, and various approaches to its interpretation in modern scholarship. This course is a writing intensive course, requires a high degree of student participation and a high academic standard.
BBLS305 Synoptic Gospel
This course will provide a detailed examination of these texts, paying special attention to the distinctive portrait of Jesus that each gospel presents. Some topics of study will include (but are not limited to): various theories regarding the so-called “Synoptic Problem”; the relationship of the Synoptics to non-canonical texts; and a general introduction to critical methods in Gospel analysis such as literary, redaction, socio-historical, and tradition-critical.
BBLS413 Gospel of John
This course is an introductory course and it will be discussed in terms of Jesus’ life and messages. The course will focus on an in-depth study of key passages. Applications for the twenty-first century minister will be emphasized.
BBLS414 Romans
This course is an introductory course for an exposition of the English text of the epistle to the Romans, paying special attention to the contribution this book makes to the understanding of Paul’s theology and its implications for ministry.
BBLS415 Revelation
This will be a detailed, verse by verse, study of the book of Revelation. We will cover the entire book, with the exceptions of Chapters 2 & 3, which are the letters to the churches and are typically the most studied chapters in Revelation. Along with the book of Genesis, Revelation forms one of the ‘book ends’ of the Bible. Revelation demonstrates God’s power in ways unique to Scripture and reveals the final consummation of God’s plan for humankind. It’s an amazing, exciting, and fast-paced book which grows us in our understanding and awe of God.
BBLS310 Introduction to the New Testament
This course provides an introductory overview of the contents of the New Testament with an emphasis on historical settings.
BBLS312 Acts of the Apostles
The lives and works of the twelve apostles in relation to the life of Christ. General information about the apostles, their personalities and characters, their encounters with Jesus, their purpose and mission will be discussed.
BBLS401 Spiritual Warfare
Introductory study on Christian theodicy, the problem of evil, attributing pain and suffering to the mysterious good purposes of God. This course starts with the warfare worldview of the OT and NT and will discuss the kingdom of God as a warfare concept and Christian life as spiritual warfare.
BBLS402 Biblical Worldview
The basic concept, fundamental components of the worldview will be discussed and how a worldview affects behavior and beliefs also will be explained, and the elements of a Christian worldview will be discussed.
BBLS403 Historical Background of the OT
This course covers briefly the history of the ancient Near East, including a chronology, Egyptian cosmology, early Mesopotamian history, highlights of Assyrian history, kings of Assyria, kings of Israel and Judah in Assyrian royal inscriptions, highlights of Babylonian history and Israel’s neighbors.
BBLS404 Psalms
A literary, exegetical, and theological study of selected portions of the Psalms with emphasis on principles of interpretation, exegetical-theological methods, and homiletical application in the Asian- American context. Prerequisites: BBLS301
BBLS405 Wisdom Literature
A literary, exegetical, and theological study of selected portions of the books of Job, Proverbs, and Ecclesiastes. The course will include an introduction to the major literary genres, motifs, and theological emphases of these books.
BBLS 406 Daniel & Revelation
An analytical study of Daniel and Revelation, with consideration of the many questions of interpretation and application in these important prophetic books.
BBLS410 New Testament Theology
This course will combine an inductive study of the New Testament with a careful analysis of the distinctive theologies of the various authors. Prerequisites: BBLS310
BBLS411 The Parables of Jesus
Selected parables and their application are examined. The study of the parables is designed to aid the student in his teaching and preaching ministry.
BBLS412 Sermon on the Mount
An exegetical study on the Sermon on the Mount in Matthew 5-7. Special attention is given to context and literary structure, as well as ethical, hermeneutical, and theological issues. Prerequisites: NT Greek I.
BBLS430 Doctrine of the Holy Spirit
A study of traditional and contemporary understanding of the person and work of the Holy Spirit.
BBLL301 Elementary Greek
An introduction to the Greek of the New Testament, including Greek alphabets, basic vocabularies and grammar. This course aims students to be familiarized with biblical Greek and its relation to the New Testament.
BBLL302 Elementary Hebrew
An introduction to the Hebrew of the Old Testament, including basic grammar, syntax, and vocabulary. Upon completion of this course you will understand the basic grammar of biblical Hebrew.
CCED301 Introduction to Christian Education
A survey of the roots, objectives and practice of religious education in the Christian church.
CCED310 Introduction to Counseling
Supervised exposure to and experience in the principles, methods, techniques & practice of counseling individuals or small groups.
CCED404 Art of Parenting
This course is designed to explore the multifaceted art of parenting. Topics will include the decision to have children; physical, social and psychological patterns of child development; roles of grandparents; the church as a resource in parenting; single-parent families; second families, etc.
CCES420 Introduction to Christian Ethics
A study of major historical formulations of Christian ethics, including those of Augustine, Aquinas, Luther, Calvin, Edwards, the Puritans, and the Social Gospel.
CCES421 Introduction to Christian Social Ethics
This course is an introduction for social issues from the Christian perspective. An investigation of the biblical foundation for a system of ethics and its application to specific situations. Alternative ethical systems will be evaluated along with a number of contemporary social issues.
CCES422 Introduction to Christian Ecology
This course explores a basic course for questions of ecological ethics–how human beings can and should live in relationship to earth’s systems and respond to environmental degradation—in dialogue with practices and texts from Christian perspective. Together we will closely read texts by Christian thinkers responding to environmental issues, and we will critically discuss and write about the arguments we find in these texts and our discussions.
CHHS301 The History of Christian Movement I: The Apostolic Age to 1600
This course covers the history of Christian mission from the Apostolic Age to the Age of Discovery. The spread of Christ’s message of God’s kingdom to the entire world, from the first 500 years AD through the early Middle Ages (ca. 500-1000), to the medieval period (ca. 1000-1500), and into the Age of Discovery (ca. 1500-1600).
CHHS302 The History of Christian Movement II: 1600-1800
This period of Christian Movement will cover the Roman Catholic missions, Eastern Orthodox missions, the beginning of Protestant missions, and the Great Century of missions.
Prerequisite CHHS301
CHHS303 The History of Korean Church
An overview of the early period of the Korean church started by the Protestant missionaries.
CHHS401 Asian-American Church: Theology and History
A study of the theology and history of the Asian-American church with attention to the sociological and psychological studies of Asian American society.
THLG431 Introduction to Modern Theology
This course is an introductory course based on the historical developmental process of modern theology from the 16th century to the middle of the 20th century. This will focus on how to deal with Christology, ecclesiological understanding and how modern theology has defined Christianity in the relationship of Philosophy.
THLG432 Introduction to Postmodern Theology
This course is an introductory course for understanding postmodernism based on theology. This will explore contemporary questions and issues in light of the Christian religious theological tradition. This course will explore issues surrounding theology in a postmodern context.
THLG433 Christology
This course presents a comprehensive review of the many different ways that the Church has understood Jesus Christ through the centuries. We will examine Biblical Christologies in the first part of the course. While the second part focuses on Historical Christologies, and the final part concentrates on some contemporary Christologies. An emphasis will be placed on personal appropriation of the material covered by means of frequent in-class discussions about the issues raised by the reading.
THLG434 Ecclesiology
This course introduces the nature and functions of “the church”. This will focus on surveying the theological doctrines of “church” and community. To do this, students will (1) closely examine selected key texts in the Christian Bible that discuss the developments of the early Christian church; (2) closely examine selected sections of historical theological texts on ecclesiology from a variety of theological traditions; and, most importantly, (3) research the understandings of authority and leadership, church and community in (a) their own self-identified community or tradition and (b) a contrasting community or tradition by visiting and observing their communal practices and reflecting upon them.
MISS301 Introduction to Missions
This course is to introduce the undergraduate student to the unfinished task of world evangelization. The main components of this course include an examination of biblical foundations for missions, missionary methods, the missionary call, and preparation for personal involvement in fulfilling the Great Commission and the great Commandment.
MISS310 Inter-Cultural Ministries
The nature of people in cultures, subsystems of cultures, including religion and language, an overview of global realities, international and intercultural ministry issues, and concepts in the scientific study of language. The class will explore the cross-cultural transition process and introduce internship opportunities.
PRMN300 Introduction to Reformed Worship
Survey of the development of liturgy in the Christian Church with an emphasis on a distinctively Reformed understanding of the public worship of God. The course seeks to prepare students for leading worship in the local church by hands-on experience in leading the ordinary and occasional worship services of the Church.
PRMN301 A Survey of Church Music
Survey of theories and practices of church music, building on musical, biblical, historical, theological and socio-cultural foundations of music in worship in general.
PRMN305 Religions of the World
Major religious groups ranked by size and adherents. The top ten religions in the world and their belief systems will be discussed in relation to Christian missions.
PRMN311 Ministry to Older Adults in the Local Church
This course is designed to familiarize students with the programs, resources, and organizational structures interplay in leading the older-adult ministry of a local church.
PRMN312 Youth Ministry
This course is an introduction to various roles played by the youth leaders in ministering to the spiritual, personal and social needs of adolescents in the Christian community.
PRMN313 Teaching Children in the Local Churches
This course is designed to familiarize students with issues and practices which are fundamental to ministering to and with children and families through the local church. It will provide foundations and practical strategies for teaching children in the church.
PRMN314 Principles of Discipleship
This course explains the need for developing a philosophy of ministry that focuses on building followers of Christ. Attention will be given to plans and strategies for creating a disciple-building environment that can be used in church and parachurch ministries. Personal and corporate discipleship are considered.
PRMN401 Practicum
A ministry experience as a youth minister in a local church setting for one semester.
PRCH301 Communication of the Bible
This course is an introductory study of preaching and communication of the Bible including various methods of sermon development which expounds a biblical text in an accurate and effective manner. It is designed to equip the student in the preparation of the development and delivery of sermons. To develop proficiency as a preacher, the student will learn the process of moving from analysis of the text through exegesis to a sermon structure which communicates truth to contemporary minds. The ability to communicate effectively is important in all areas of life. One of the goals of this course is the development of basic oral communication skills to give the student confidence in extemporaneous speaking, giving their testimony, presenting a devotional message, delivering a sermon, etc.
THLG201 Introduction to Systematic Theology
An introduction to systematic theology: the revelation of scripture, the doctrine of God and Creation, man in relation to God, the person and work of Christ, the application of the work of redemption, the doctrine of the church, the means to grace and the doctrine of the last things.
TRU100 Reformed University Faithfulness and Spiritual Journey
Reformed University’s faculty and students participate in this class to share their spiritual journeys in the past, and their visions for their continuing journeys after leaving Reformed University, in a personal way. Participants will learn the ethos of Reformed University as well as that of each other.

Dr. Philip Hoffman
Program Director of BATS