
A student attending on-campus or online is required to attend at least 80% of the class meetings for each course in which he/she
is enrolled. Online attendance is measured by regular and substantive interaction (submitting work, quizzes, discussions etc.
each week). A maximum of three (3) class periods may be missed during a 15-week semester. Any student who misses more
than 20% of class meetings may receive an “F” or be forced to withdraw from the course. Exceptions may be made only in
extreme circumstances and then only with the approval of the Director of Academic Affairs.

Absence and tardiness policies include but are not limited to the following:

1. Absences should be taken only for important and necessary reasons.
2. The student is held responsible for absences due to late registration. Consequently, students are not permitted to enroll for a course after the second full week of classes.
3. Instructors must report to the Registrar any students who:
A) habitually come in tardy or leave early
B) miss the whole class session three weeks in succession
C) miss more than 20% of classes for a particular course

4. Instructors will employ the following institutional rules for determining absences:
A) only tardiness of less than 15 minutes may be counted as a tardy
B) three (3) tardiness instances count as one (1) absence
C) tardiness of more than 15 minutes counts as one hour of absence.

*These policies are based on federal regulations regarding attendance at institutions offering Title IV financial aid.